Room Rua
This is a blog about all the happenings in Room Rua up to January 2022.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Saturday, February 26, 2022
A NEW New Year
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
What a successful first Goggle Meet with Room 4 (formerly Room 6) this morning.
We had a lot of fun catching up and playing Kahoot! Nobody seems too disheartened about being at home...I wonder why?
Well done Marlborough, Sandringham, and Windsor for turning up. Edinburgh, we missed you.
The students are preparing some Kahoot! for our next meet...can't wait.
Remember, we don't mind if you haven't washed your face, haven't brushed your teeth (thankfully we can't smell your morning dragon breath, or haven't made your bed. We just want to see your beautiful faces and hear your lovely laughter.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
What'cha got cookin?
Pooooo-weeee the stink of onions boiling away in my house. Reminds me of my childhood visits to my grans house where she would cook onions in white sauce...smells gross, tastes GOOD.
I am boiling red onions, and avocado skin and a pit for a Science experiment on natural dyes. Hopefully the students are surprised by the dye colours they produce?
I'll also do a red cabbage dye and then change the colour using an alkaline and acid.
Kitchen science is such FUN.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Nau mai ki te akomanga 6.
Well, this hasn't quite been the start to the year we expected, but as a wise young man once told me:
This may be our new normal and we need to be prepared for lockdown again.
It is important we don't lose heart 💖, and remember to find our happy place 😁 while we are away from our classmates.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Lion & the mouse.
What does Kindness is never wasted mean?
Today we were reading one of AESOP'S stories . My teacher asked us what is the moral?. Have a read and comment down below what you think the moral of the story is and what Kindness is never wasted means.
My New Blog
This year term 2 Room 6 has woken up to a new fitness, Jump Jam and Yoga. Room 6 only attend Jump Jam and Yoga when it's raining ou...
What a successful first Goggle Meet with Room 4 (formerly Room 6) this morning. We had a lot of fun catching up and playing Kahoot! Nobody...
This is my pepeha.