Friday, May 31, 2019

Samoan language week!

This week is Samoan language week, so I wanted to show you guys this slide I was working on. It's about facts, numbers, the alphabet and other kinds of stuff about Samoa! I hope you learn something new about Samoa after seeing this. Blog you later! 


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Room 6 Morning Fitness!

This year term 2 Room 6 has woken up to a new fitness, Jump Jam and Yoga.
Room 6 only attend Jump Jam and Yoga when it's raining outside or bad weather, 
boys and girls in Room 6 enjoy the movement and exercising also enjoy 
laughing at the goofy moves. Room 6 has stepped up this term into new things.

 Well done Room 6!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Pink shirt day

Image result for pink shirt dayThis week we have pink shirt day. room 6 is all driest up in mufti or pink cloths. pink shirt day is about the people that get bulled . so if you see someone getting bulled then you stop it. you do not allow it  anywhere. If you get bulled then you tell someone. If you don't trust anyone at school then you tell one of your family members. we all do not tolerate bullies in our class or school.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Game Of Awesome

In class me and my classmates played a writing game and it's called the Game Of Awesome. I've known the game for awhile and since I think its such a fun writing activity I thought I would show you guys how to play.

1.First you need a deck of the Game of Awesome Cards.

How you play:
1.First you need to separate the cards because there are two different types in the deck of cards.

2.Then you choose someone to be master.

3.Then you give each player 4 or 5 cards. (The white cards)

4.Then you put down one of the topic cards in front of everyone.

5.Then everyone chooses out of their cards which one fits with the topic card.

6.Then you do the same until no one has cards

7.Then you get a piece of paper and a pen.

8.After that you write story but with the cards that the master picked.

9.Once everyone is done the master reads them out loud and picks the best one.

10.Then the winner is the next master and the whole game resets.

Here is an example

Game Of Awesome!!! (Posted By Arii)

So this week myself and room 6 have been playing a game called "Game Of Awesome."
Whats the game of awesome you may be wondering, well its a game that helps improve you creative writing. Your given 4 of different topics and 4 of different words and it is put down on the table like the image on the right.

Once all the cards are on the table everyone must write a short story involving all cards, There is an example on the bottom left corner.

When everyone has handed their story to the master, the master picks which ever story they like and whose ever story has been picked then that person becomes the new master and the whole game resets.

This game is simple and very fun to play and I know my class had lots of fun. So that's all for this week.


Hello guys my name is Lino and this is my game of awesome writing.
When I was doing this I thought it was going to be hard. I found it a bit interesting and not hard at all. Come on guys beg and persuade your teacher to get the best writing game ever. GAME OF AWESOME

Thursday, May 2, 2019

(ANZAC Poppy's) Posted by Vaisioa & Lapaix

Our class (Rm 6) Has made poppy's for ANZAC day we have had some fun doing it and also we have stuck them to our wall out side of our classroom. We made poppy's to represent the people who were fighter's for our country and also people who have died for our country as well. ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corp, ANZAC day was commemorated on the 25th of April. Here are the photo's  of some Poppy's we have made.

(ANZAC) Posted by thomas.

Me and my class [Room 6] has been working about ANZAC we have been making poppy´s.
ANZAC day represents Australia New Zealand Army Corp. ANZAC was held on the 25th of april.
The first WW1 was 28 july 1914-11 November 1918. These are some poppy's we made in class.

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